Friday, October 26, 2012

Baking with Arsy: Almond Cookies

A few weeks ago I bought a kilo of almonds... What does one do with a kilo of almonds? My first thought, almond cookies!

It was a pretty productive morning. Got up at 9:30am, went for a jog, injured my shins, dragged my ass back home and made cookies.

First melted half a stick of butter

Gathered me ingredients!
 Sugar, butter, egg, almond essence, baking powder, salt and flour!

 Melted the butter

 Put in the sugar

 Flour, baking powder, egg, salt and essence

Put into boiling water for 2-3 minutes
 Left in cold water until cool to handle

 Peel em' babies up

 Feelin' abit exposed

 All nekkids

Divided up the dough into balls 

 Squash down with a fork *me thinking they won't expand any further*

 Chopped up almonds

 Embellished em

 Leftovers to nom

Egg white (big boo boo not to mix this with water.. you'll see....)

 Lathered in egg white

 Popped into the oven

Annd... out of the oven.... 
 The overloaded egg white turned into cooked egg white... lol whoops

 All fat and perty!

 Make em' perty on my $1 plate

 Prettiest colour!

Packed in a bag for my mate to bring along with em!

The almond cookies weren't too shabby. If I were to make some changes, I would put less butter and maybe oil? And definitely more almond essence... And toast the almond pieces instead!

Hehe, bye!

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